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The Joie Kya Blog.

Why We Say Yes, When We Should Say No.

It's important that we speak and act in our true alignment. As a leader and sacred business mentor I see my clients and students struggle with this choice between being accepted or rejected. As you can imagine it's a real battle. I would love for you to tune into the full conversation in episode 98 on the WildSoul Academy Podcast.

This brings us to the conversation in the podcast episode and during that conversation I offered you a Heart Check meditation to help you find your inner voice. Even if you have been connected to it but have been distracted by all of the noise these days it going to be a perfect tools for you. You can get your Free Tool Here...

Here are a few more episodes that will take you deeper into this conversation.

EP 78 Stop Negotiating These 5 Things:

Until Next Time,

xoxo Joie Kya


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A wild soul that loves life to the fullest. I am all for finding your passion and directing it into your unstoppable purpose. 


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