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The Joie Kya Blog.

Speaking Your Truth and Knowing Your Worth~w/ Marleece Peart

I had the honor to connect with one of the members of the Sacred Business Incubator Marleece Peart. I must say this lady blows me away when we get the opportunity to sit and discuss her life and business. Her love legacy is a beautiful transformation of her life's journey and the wisdom gleaned from it.

What I love about the podcast episode we did is that she shares her challenges and journey and how those experiences makes her the sacred space holder she is today. As someone who has had the pleasure of receiving her energy work it is something to highly recommend.

I would love to invite you to listen to our conversation on the WildSoul Podcast Here!

Want to get to know Marleece?

Marleece Peart is a Speaker, Author, Artist, Energy Healer: Quantum Intuitive Reiki Master and a Shamanic Practitioner 

She spent 17+ years in an abusive and violent marriage, allowing self-doubt and limiting beliefs to keep me in a place of fear. But I took that trauma and transformed it into THE most powerful gift I could ever have received. 

17 years of healing and growth later, she is living in my passion and purpose of supporting other women to heal, grow and thrive because I know from my personal experience, and what I’ve seen in others, when that happens, every area of your life is uplifted.  

She has supported women through transformational events, published journals, visionary artwork, energy healing, and now my signatory program - TRU.  – where I support and guide women like you and me, to transform childhood trauma, release your blocks and unlock repeating patterns so we can reclaim our birthright of courage, confidence, and abundance. 


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A wild soul that loves life to the fullest. I am all for finding your passion and directing it into your unstoppable purpose. 


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