As a soul-led entrepreneur I highly value my creativity. I have learned that my feminine creative genius is an endless resource that I’m still just barely tapping into a full decade into my business.
Each day I am waking up, activating, and harnessing my creative feminine force through allowing it to flow through me. I want to share with you what I have learned about this process so far. Let’s dive into it. To get the full conversation listen in on the podcast episode.
My Investment…I believe putting your energy and time into feeding yourself high vibe content like courses and podcast alongside surrounding yourself with like-minded peers and mentors is the best way to open the flood gates into your creative genius. We become a magnet whether we distract ourselves in negative ways or feed ourselves with positive outlets…So by filling your time with the good stuff we allow for ourselves to become a beacon for creativity to move towards and threw.
Creating Space…If you have heard the podcast or seen me on social media you already know that I love making space and room in my life for meditation and journaling. This is when I get to zero out and come to a place of centeredness and clarity. I also benefit from this practice because I quiet the mind and allow for my inner voice to come forward for guidance. This powerful practice helps in every relationship and project in my life and is hands down the one non-negotiable on this list.
Follow the Spark…When the spark of inspiration happens follow it! Give yourself time and space to process and allow your intuition to guide you in how you want it to manifest if at all. The truth i
s, not all ideas or creative hits are meant to be acted on. If not one, then another will come along and when you are tapped into this super genius power there is a consistent abundant flow coming to you each year. There are many factors when these creative hits occur and sometimes you just can’t act because it’s out of sync with your life at that moment. Give yourself permission to let some go.
Rest and Prepare for the Next Spark… When you have acted on a creative hit it is important to celebrate the magic that just took place. Taking a thought out of the Law of Attraction gratitude and celebration on your part is telling the universe that you are a great steward of creativity. This means more is on the way and soon! Be sure to honor the process with appreciation and gratitude always!
To listen to the full episode, where I share in detail the information in this mini blog plus dive into the feminine and masculine creative parts, we all have within... click here…iTunes…Spotify..Google Podcast…or you can listen above on this page as always…
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Until Next Time…Blessings to you and yours,
Joie Kya